Years ago, one of my college roommates came to visit. We sat on my back porch to catch up on our lives, and she told me she’d been seeing a therapist about some early childhood issues.
One of the things her therapist told her created a miracle in her mind—a change in perception and a natural occurrence of love.
The therapist’s words were:
“You are a precious jewel. Treat yourself that way, and teach others to treat you that way, too.”
A precious jewel. This was stunning to both of us, since we’d both been divorced and were questioning how lovable we really were. The word “precious” would never have entered our minds. But now, here we were, presented with the radical idea that we had value and were worthy of being treasured.
When I think back, I realize how easy it is to forget that truth, especially if we’re used to questioning our own worth.
But it IS truth for all of us. No matter what we think of ourselves or what we’ve been through, we are all precious jewels. Children of God. Sparks of the Divine. Worthy of giving and receiving love without question.
Our entire lives depend on remembering this one simple truth. Remembering means living with joy, confidence, generosity and forgiveness.
Forgetting means living with anxiety, fear, scarcity and guilt.
So how can we remember? READ MORE…