I’m proud to announce that Be the Light that You Are recently received a Silver Nautilus Award, honoring “better books for a better world.”

It’s a book we all need right now, as we look for ways every day to bring unity and kindness to our uncertain world.

Be the Light That You Are: Ten Simple Ways to Transform Your World with Love inspires you to put your spiritual practice in action—and gives you concrete ways to do it.

In a time of highly charged political and emotional issues, it will help you move from bitterness and divisiveness to true peace.

The book outlines 10 steps for extending the light within, including:

  • Claiming your unique gifts
  • Fostering self-love
  • Meeting others without judgment
  • Rising above the drama
  • Taking the path of forgiveness

Inspired by A Course in Miracles and other spiritual teachings, Be the Light that You Are provides a simple path to help you live with decency and authenticity in seemingly chaotic times. And it all begins with letting your light shine.

Please join me in this transformation, and check out my Events page for workshops and retreats.

Enjoy this free excerpt.

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Want another excerpt?

Check out this issue of Conscious Community Magazine and my article on Self-Love.