I’ve been thinking about how we probably all think too much:)
It’s not just that we have a lot of thoughts going through our heads (the average is about 70,000 per day). It’s that we’re trying so hard to be strategic and successful and productive. It can be exhausting.
As I was thinking about this, these words floated into my mind…
The best business strategy is joy.
Hmm. How about…
The best parenting strategy is love.
The best friendship strategy is kindness.
The best financial strategy is generosity.
The best health strategy is acceptance.
I like those strategies because they’re not based on figuring anything out. They’re attitudes and approaches, and they can guide us no matter how complicated things seem to get.
At their core, they’re simply expressions of who we are. In fact, they’re different facets of the same diamond.
If you feel like you’re spending a lot of time trying to find the right solution to things in your life, try this:
Please heal my fear-based thoughts about being strategic so I can respond to life out of a celebration of who I am.
Have a fear-less week!